Recovery is one of the most vital parts of your post- exercise routine. It increases your body’s recovery time, helps relax and repair the muscles which reduces the chance of injury. Here we’ll go over a range of reasons why your body can ache and feel stiff after exercising and what you can do to help with the recovery.
Why Recovery is Vital

DOMS & Lactic Acid
What causes your body to be stiff and sore after a workout? Well there are two main reasons, DOMS and lactic acid.
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is when your muscles get small tears during your workout. Depending on how regularly you exercise DOMS can last a day to a week. Mitigating DOMS is straightforward. You need to increase blood flow to the area with the tears. This is said to speed up the process of the muscles repairing themselves, as it brings vital nutrients to them. The sooner your muscles are repaired, the stronger they will be for when you next exercise.
Lactic Acid is a secondary reason as to why you get sore muscles during and post exercise. It is produced in your muscles and builds up over long and strenuous periods of workouts. A sufficient recovery routine helps alleviate this soreness by ensuring that oxygen reaches your muscles and flushes out these toxins (lactic acid) faster.
Warming up and Cooling Down
A warm up and cool down is just as important as exercise itself but, it’s commonly skipped. Skipping these leads to soreness and stiffness the next day. Why? Well your muscle can be described like a rubber band. If the rubber band is cold then its range of motion (stretching) won’t be as large, while if the rubber band was warm it would be able to stretch more.
Exercising when cold decreases mobility which consequently increases the chance of injury. This is why activating your muscles through warm up exercises such as dynamic stretches, is important to make sure you are able to achieve the correct form or carry a heavy load.

Recovery Routine
It is inevitable that you will get sore muscles if you haven’t exercised in a while but having a good recovery routine outside of your exercise time will help speed up the healing process. Our equipment is simple and effective product to add into your recovery post-workout routine, that will ensure the build up of lactic acid is released and your muscles are relaxed and ready to go for your next workout. No need to scour multiple websites for a massage gun, foam roller or a recovery ball.
There are many tutorials online covering this subject. These routines are great for days when you aren’t exercising or spend the day sitting down a lot. We provide the equipment to supplement these routines. Of course you can find random items around the house to help you, but the equipment we provide lets you jump straight into it.
Why a Massage Gun?
There are many benefits to including a massage gun in your recovery routine. Research has shown that a massage gun reduces delayed onset muscle soreness, therefore increasing muscle strength in the short term. Massage guns help to get blood flow to specific areas otherwise hard to target. Digging right into the centre of knots releasing them quicker. You can change the intensity and massage head type to get the best fit for your body.
Massage guns can be used easily by anyone, you don’t have to be a high performing athlete to reap the benefits. Our massage gun has a built-in pressure sensor to give you feedback on how much force you are using. It is easily transportable so you can use the massage gun where you are most comfortable - in the car or sitting on your couch.
Our Champion Massage Gun
Our Champion Massage Gun is a powerful tool created to help aid recovery. It relaxes the muscles, increases blood flow and helps to target hard to reach spots.